Here is the policy that I’ve designed for my ENGL 430: UX Research Class for Fall 2023. I invite you to comment on this and help improve my understanding of AI and ethics through your experiences and expertise:

We live in exciting and scary times!

Since last year, the emergence of various generative AI tools like ChatGPT has been challenging our conventional notions of what it means to write, what it means to be an author, what it means to cite, and what it means to plagiarise. Nobody has final answers yet, but many people are exploring this new world to make sense of it. Being in this class allows us the privilege to participate in that ongoing conversation. I invite you to tweak this policy as we go along.

Here are some starting guidelines on Generative AI Use for our ENGL 430: UX Research class that I’ve developed thanks to my learnings from this wonderful list curated by Eaton (2023) and conversations with Anna Mills on Twitter (@EnglishOER).

Am I Allowed to use ChatGPT or other such tools?

Yes, use* but terms and conditions apply: